Chemical Management of Hydrilla For Drinking Water Utilities


Hydrilla verticillata (hydrilla) is a federally listed aquatic invasive plant that can cause significant economic and environmental impacts once established. Hydrilla can impact water quality, aquatic habitat, and recreational uses in both river and reservoir systems. The species forms dense mats of vegetation, outcompeting native species, reducing dissolved oxygen, and raising pH. Seasonal decay of plants can increase natural organic matter in reservoirs (a precursor to disinfection byproducts) and clog intakes. Hydrilla’s ability to reproduce from plant fragments, turions and tubers, has made chemical management with herbicides one of the most common methods of control.

This webcast presented the findings of Chemical Management of Hydrilla for Drinking Water Utilities (project #4747), which explored the state of knowledge of herbicide application for the management of hydrilla in drinking water sources and its impacts on treatability, water quality, and human and environmental health. This webcast will help the audience obtain a better understanding of the potential risks of hydrilla and the available control options.