The Subscriber Impact Award honors subscribing utilities that have made notable improvements to their treatment, delivery, and/or management processes through the successful application of WRF research.
- Nominations may be made by Foundation staff, subscribers, or members of the Board of Directors. Self-nominations will be accepted.
- Award recipient will be a current Foundation subscriber that has been in good standing for at least three years.
- At least one Subscriber Impact Award will be granted each year.
- Subscribers may receive more than one Subscriber Impact Award, but not within a three-year time frame.
Some examples include:
- Improvements that benefit customers and/or the public
- Improvements that result in cost savings and more affordable water
- Improvements that benefit the environment and/or sustainable development
- Improvements that result in energy savings or recovery and/or resource recovery
- Improvements that successfully implement progressive communication strategies
- Improvements that successfully implement progressive management strategies
- Improvements that successfully included organizational collaboration and/or interdisciplinary cooperation
2024 Award Winner
These award recipients embody our commitment to collaboration in advancing the science of water for the betterment of the entire water community and those we serve.
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA)
Based in Wilmington, North Carolina, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) became a WRF subscriber in 2008, although CFPUA staff have participated in WRF projects since 1986. Since becoming a subscriber, CFPUA has contributed to 13 WRF projects, 13 Project Advisory Committees, and is currently involved in two active research projects. Its contributions to WRF research have largely impacted the world of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), as its 2017 pilot study on potential treatment processes to remove PFAS at one of its water treatment plants was the first of its kind. CFPUA's dedication to continuous improvement and transparent communication is reflected in their new branding campaign, "Clearly Better Water."
Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA)
Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) serves over 3.9 million constituents and more than 115 communities, GLWA is a leader in the Great Lakes region and beyond. GLWA’s research portfolio with WRF covers many topics, including pipeline management, wastewater, disinfection, artificial intelligence, workforce development, algal blooms, and more. Having completed 11 WRF projects, and with 20 active projects underway, GLWA has made an unprecedented impact on WRF research and the science of water.
Participation in research leading to practical solutions that benefit our customers and help overcome challenges facing the water industry has long been a focus of staff at CFPUA, so it is particularly gratifying to see that work recognized with the Subscriber Impact Award."
Our team members at GLWA have benefited from their involvement in dozens of projects over the years covering everything from basic research to workforce development. I encourage all utilities to get involved with WRF research projects. We are not competitors; instead, we are collaborators. Let’s learn from each other to develop the future solutions to current problems."
Denver Water
Established in 1918, Denver Water is the oldest and largest drinking water utility in the state of Colorado, serving an area of about 335 square miles and over 1.5 million people. Denver Water has been involved in over 65 WRF projects, and Denver Water staff members have served on WRF’s Board of Directors and a variety of WRF committees. Denver Water is currently participating in 11 WRF projects, addressing topics such as innovation, the water workforce, constituents of emerging concern, flood mitigation planning, and more.
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) provides wastewater treatment and stormwater management services to almost 13 million people every day across their 882-square mile service area. Since 1990, the MWRD has been directly involved in 22 WRF research projects and the agency is involved in nine ongoing studies. The MWRD is currently participating on WRF projects investigating enhanced biological phosphorus removal, intelligent water systems, utility innovation, PFAS, and other important topics.
Gwinnett County Water Resources
Gwinnett County Water Resources manages drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater services for almost one million residents. Their dedication to innovation is demonstrated by the establishment of their innovation center, The Water Tower. Gwinnett County has been involved in 40 WRF research projects, 20 of which are ongoing studies. Gwinnett has participated in projects on cyanobacteria, smart water networks, biofiltration for reuse, and many more topics.
EPCOR Water Canada
EPCOR Water Canada got its start in 1891 as the Edmonton Electric Lighting and Power Company. Since then, EPCOR has diversified its services to include drinking water, wastewater, electricity, drainage, and natural gas services across Canada and the southwestern United States. EPCOR has been involved in over 50 WRF research projects.
Hampton Roads Sanitation District
Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) provides regional wastewater treatment to 18 cities and counties in southeast Virginia, operating 13 treatment plants with a combined capacity of 249 million gallons per day. HRSD is recognized as a leader in the industry. SWIFT (the Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow) is HRSD's newest water treatment innovation, designed to further protect the region’s environment and enhance the sustainability of the region’s long-term groundwater.
Metro Vancouver
Metro Vancouver provides water and liquid waste services through its member municipalities for 2.6 million residents in Southwestern British Columbia, Canada. This includes acquiring, treating, and delivering water, as well as collecting and treating wastewater on behalf of its municipalities. Since 2002, Metro Vancouver has put sustainability at the center of its planning and operating philosophy and advanced its role as a leader in the pursuit of a low-carbon future for the region.
San Francisco Public Utilities Commissions
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is a department of the City and County of San Francisco. It delivers drinking water to 2.7 million people in the San Francisco Bay area; collects and treats wastewater for the City and County of San Francisco; and generates clean power for municipal buildings, residents, and businesses. SFPUC provides its customers with high quality, efficient and reliable water, power, and sewer services. SFPUC has been a longstanding WRF subscriber, active in both research planning and research project implementation. SFPUC has made significant contributions to innovative research on direct potable reuse, including safety, blending requirements, and building-scale treatment, and real-time performance monitoring.
Southern Nevada Water Authority
The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) was formed by seven drinking water and wastewater agencies in order to address water issues on a regional basis. As a wholesale water provider, SNWA is responsible for water treatment and delivery, as well as managing long-term water resources for southern Nevada. SNWA’s research and development team mentors postdoctoral students, placing them into leadership roles at utilities. SNWA also collaborates with other utilities to explore research priorities for drinking water, reuse, and wastewater.
Tampa Bay Water
Tampa Bay Water was founded in 1998, creating a new alliance between six governments in west-central Florida: Hillsborough County, Pasco County, Pinellas County, New Port Richey, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Some of these member governments are actively involved in Foundation research projects and committees on their own, in addition to Tampa Bay Water’s involvement. Tampa Bay Water is a regional wholesale water supplier serving 2.5 million people through a combination of groundwater, surface water, and desalinated seawater. The utility’s commitment to diversifying its water supplies has allowed for environmental recovery, and ensures a reliable supply of clean, safe drinking water for the Tampa Bay region, now and for future generations.
- Halifax Water
- Orange County Water District
- City of Calgary
- Tarrant Regional Water District
- Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
- Milwaukee Water Works
- Greater Cincinnati Water Works
- Philadelphia Water Department
- Louisville Water Company
- The Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority
- Las Vegas Valley Water District
- Portland Water Bureau
- New York City Department of Environmental Protection
- American Water