Project #4989

Pathogen Monitoring in Untreated Wastewater

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Ms. Julie Minton
Trussell Technologies, Inc.
Microbes & Pathogens
Water Quality
Reuse: Potable


A expert panel sponsored by the California State Water Resources Control Board published a report in 2016 identifying knowledge gaps for developing criteria for direct potable reuse. Six research projects have been identified to address these gaps. This project, which is the second of the six projects, developed optimized analytical methods for the detection of protozoa and viruses in raw wastewater; and provides a large, high-quality dataset of relevant waterborne pathogen concentrations. In addition to a research report, a literature and methods review was developed and is available below under Resources. Research Partner: California State Water Resources Control Board and Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Published in 2021.

This project is part of a larger effort totaling $1,203,900 in funding, and involving project partners Trussell Technologies; Walt Jakubowski - QA/QC Officer; and Cel Analytics - lead laboratory.


Public Plus

SWB DPR Research Webcast Part 1: Pathogens


This is the first event in a two-part webcast series that will showcase the research outcomes of WRF’s first California State Water Board (SWB) Grant. This webcast, held in cooperation...