Project #5156

Occurrence of Legionella pneumophila In Drinking Water Distribution Systems

In Progress
Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Hyunyoung Jang, PhD
Distribution System Management
Microbes & Pathogens
Opportunistic Pathogens
Water Quality


Legionella pneumophila is detected sporadically in treated drinking water and is suited for survival under conditions typical of distribution systems. Although data are abundant on the potential for Legionella occurrence in buildings and cooling towers, there are little data on Legionella occurrence in drinking water distribution systems. This project collected and analyzed data on the occurrence of L. pneumophila in distribution systems. In addition, research explored the relationship between secondary disinfectant concentrations and other system features and the occurrence and concentration of L. pneumophila. Research partners: American Water Works Association and Association of State Drinking Water Administrators. Published in 2024.