Towards Innovation-Stimulating Nutrient Regulations: a Global Perspective with Implications for the United States


Many types of regulations exist throughout the world that pursue protection of environmental and human health and support different uses of receiving waters. Technological innovation in the wastewater sector is significantly driven by local regulations, some of which stimulate innovation while others inhibit innovation and lead to excessive conservatism and cost. 
This webcast reported the findings of the WRF project Towards Innovation-Stimulating Nutrient Regulations: A Global Perspective with Implications for the USA (4826). The speakers will discuss how differing permit structures lead to a range of approaches for designing/operating water resource recovery facilities, and how those approaches affect water quality. The webcast also showcased effluent permitting structure comparisons, an assessment of equivalent permit structures under variable conditions, and design practices and advanced treatment aspects of innovation-stimulating permit structures. A simulation of a realistic case study will be featured.
A methodology was developed for assessing the effect of measurement variability on the probability of exceeding effluent standards under dynamic conditions. In addition, a methodology for assessing the overall dynamic environmental impact of WRRF discharges in rivers was tested. These methodologies were presented. Regulators, consultants, and utilities can employ the proposed research methodology to compare regulation structures, assess technology performance standards, and quantify environmental benefits.

This project was co-sponsored by DC Water, Environmental Defense Fund, Hampton Roads Sanitation District, National Association of Clean Water Agencies, and Water Environment Federation.