Project #1800

Stream Restoration BMP Database: Version 1.0 Summary Report

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Harry Zhang, PhD, PE
Wright Water Engineers, Inc.
Water Quality


The International Stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) Database ( is a long-term project that was expanded to include a module for stream restoration practices. The new Stream Restoration Database (SRDB) can be used as a tool to help support stream restoration water quality crediting programs, stream restoration practice selection and design efforts, and stream restoration performance evaluations. This report summarizes the initial findings of the first release of the SRDB and integrates findings from a literature review completed as an initial task supporting the project and from the concurrently completed WE&RF report Stream Restoration as a BMP: Crediting Guidance (WERF1T13). The report provides an overview of stream restoration practices, introduces the SRDB structure and reporting parameters, provides guidance on performance evaluation approaches for stream restoration studies, and identifies research needs. Published by WE&RF. 183 pages. Online PDF. (2017)

Originally funded as WERF project U5R14.
