Project #4625

Opportunities and Barriers for Renewable and Distributed Energy Resource Development at Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Mr. Ashwin Dhanasekar
University of Queensland
Energy Optimization
Resource Recovery


The objectives of this project were to:

  1. Identify and discuss opportunities for distributed energy resource (DER) development at drinking water and wastewater utilities
  2. Assess the legislative, regulatory, and policy environment impacting DER developments
  3. Undertake case studies of implemented DER utility projects
  4. Convene webinars and a workshop to shape a guidebook and build resources to help utilities navigate challenges and implement DER solutions
  5. Document research findings in a practical utility guidebook

Four electronic supplements developed by this project can be found below under Web Tools: an Annotated Bibliography (ES1); a Catalog of DER Barriers (ES2); a Catalog of DER Regulations (ES3); and the Regulatory Drivers- Linked Overview, a visual map of regulations that highlights a complex and intersecting regulatory environment (ES4). In addition to being included in the report, Appendix A: Glossary, and Appendix B: Case Studies, are posted below under Project Papers.

Published in 2019.

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Project 5062 builds upon the results of this project.

Originally funded as WERF project ENER17C15