Integrating Real-Time Collection System Monitoring Approaches into Enhanced Source Control Programs for Potable Reuse
With numerous potable water reuse facilities being planned, designed, and constructed, questions arise regarding how to best implement enhanced source control programs for potable water reuse. A critical next step in the evolution of enhanced source control is developing the ability to monitor water quality within the wastewater collection system cost-effectively in real time. This project determined what level of real-time collection system monitoring is feasible, appropriate, and necessary for protection of downstream potable reuse and developed a framework for integrating real-time monitoring into existing pre-treatment program requirements (permits, local limits, etc.). That includes data management and security considerations. This study concluded that the challenges of real-time sewershed and collection system monitoring can be overcome with a clear goal and sufficient perseverance and resources, thus realizing the potential benefits of real-time monitoring. Research partner: California State Water Resources Control Board. Published in 2023.