Incorporating Forestry into Stormwater Management Programs: State of the Science and Business Model Evaluation for Nutrient Reduction and Volume Control
This project documents the contribution of urban tree systems to stormwater nutrient and volume control in terms of their effectiveness at various scales, cost, desirability, and practicality. The project employed a combination of quantitative synthesis, new modeling data, and qualitative program review to synthesize and analyze existing data and programs. The information generated from this project is intended to benefit water utilities and the stormwater regulatory, planning and design communities as they aim to effectively integrate urban tree and forest systems within stormwater regulatory and management frameworks. Through this project, a research report, two fact sheets, and a cost-co-benefit database (in Excel and Access formats), and database user guide were developed. Published in 2020.
Originally funded as WERF project SIWM12C15.
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