Project #1417

Energy Performance Benchmarking Summaries and Recommendations for Energy Neutrality Opportunities at Three New York Water Resource Recovery Facilities

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Lauren Fillmore M.S.
Brown and Caldwell
Energy Optimization
Resource Recovery


WERF is working collaboratively with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to advance implementation of energy-efficient best practices in the industry. This research contributes to the industry’s understanding of the complexities, opportunities, and challenges that water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) face as they strive for energy neutrality and will help WRRFs move toward net-zero energy use through near-at-hand practices and technologies in the areas of energy, demand reduction, and enhanced production. This document highlights three case studies and builds on concepts developed in the WERF/NYSERDA energy research portfolio, combining the findings of the ENER7C13 and ENER1C12 research series. Published by WERF. 32 pages. Online PDF. (2015)

This project was a collaborative effort between WERF and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). Originally funded as WERF project ENER7C13d.