Project #4428

Compendium of Sensors and Monitors and Their Use in the Global Water Industry

Principal Investigator
van den Broeke
Research Manager
Hyunyoung Jang, PhD
Water Quality


In 2012, the Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC, WRF is a GWRC member organization) funded this project to identify and document information on types, costs, and real-world experiences with the use of sensors in the global water and wastewater industry focusing on commercially available online monitoring technologies for the measurement of water quality and quantity. The main deliverable of this project is an online compendium, which includes general information on the workings of these technologies; advantages and disadvantages of the various technologies; and best practice information concerning installation, operation, maintenance, and calibration of instruments. Twenty-two case studies conducted by drinking water and wastewater utilities in United States, United Kingdom, Australia, the Netherlands, South Africa, Singapore, and Namibia are also included. Finally, background documents including project summaries and conclusions, suggested reading, and best practices are found within the compendium. Published in 2014.

As of February 2021, online compendium tool is no longer available.

This study was a originally funded in cooperation with WERF as project SENG1C11