AMI-Meter Data Analytics
A growing number of water utilities are implementing advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) that captures detailed and frequent data from customer meters. To realize benefits beyond meter readings for customer billing, utilities need to understand the improvement opportunities enabled by the new AMI data set and associated data processing and analysis tools. This research included seven water utility participants, each with multiple years of experience using AMI meter data for utility and customer benefit. Their leading business practices using AMI data are summarized to aid other utilities in their planning and implementation of AMI. Published in 2020.
Tailored Collaboration Partners: Toronto Water, DC Water, Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority, City of Baltimore, Great Lakes Water Authority, and Suez Water.
An article focused on this research was published in the June 2018 issue of Journal AWWA and is posted below under Project Papers.
AMI-Meter Data Analytics Webcast
A growing number of water utilities are implementing advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) to frequently capture detailed data from customer meters. With this expanded water usage information, utilities can better engage...