Implementing Potable Reuse
Implementing Potable Reuse
September 14, 2023, 8:00 am-3:00 pm
Metropolitan Water District
700 Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
This workshop will be held September 14, 2023, from 8:00 am- 3:00 pm at the Metropolitan Water District and will feature presentations and panel discussions on the current research on implementing potable reuse in communities. Experts will cover topics such as monitoring wastewater and reuse treatment, enhanced source water control programs, and advanced treatment for chemical and pathogen control. The event will feature local utility voices and experiences as well as research funded and managed via a collaboration between The Water Research Foundation, the California State Water Resources Control Board, and the Metropolitan Water District, and many other utilities.
California’s strategic vision of water supply relies on increased water reuse. Los Angeles has goals to reduce imported supplies by 50% by 2024 and recycle 100% of its water by 2035.The California State Water Resources Control Board recently released their proposed draft Direct Potable Reuse Regulations (DPR) and will adopt uniform water recycling criteria for DPR through raw water augmentation on or before December 31, 2023. It is critical for water utilities to understand the ongoing research on potable reuse and hear the strategies of peer organizations. The Water Research Foundation (WRF) has been researching issues in water reuse for over 20 years. Recently, WRF managed grant funding of $4.5M from the California State Water Resources Control Board with additional support of $1M from Metropolitan Water District and many other utilities. This funding supported about 25 projects, and they will all be published by 2024. WRF is managing two EPA reuse grants; a $3M grant for Unlocking the Nationwide Potential of Water Reuse and a $1M grant for Advancing Safety and Reliability to Protect Public Health: Identifying Quantitative Reductions of Viral Pathogens and Surrogates for Water Reuse Applications and will share results in the future.