Materials from the Integrated Urban Water Management Approaches Workshop

Special Report

An executive workshop was held June 18-19, 2007 in Boulder, Colorado to support the development of a guidebook for Foundation Project 4008, “Integrated Urban Water Management Approaches.” Twenty-four participants considered aspects of the Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) process though a series of presentations, breakout groups and plenary discussions to provide comprehensive feedback to the project team on the drivers for implementation of IUWM and all aspects of the IUWM process itself.

p>Download and extract the files to view the following workshop materials:

  • The Workshop Learning Log (pdf 31 kb)

    This is a summary of workshop discussions.
  • The Integrated Urban Water Management Approaches Workshop Workbook (pdf 621 kb)

    The workshop workbook was provided to workshop participants. It provides an overview of IUWM, identifies difficulties and barriers to implementing IUWM, discusses performance assessment of IUWM, provides a framework for implementing IUWM, and includes an account of IUWM implementation by Gold Coast Water in Australia.
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