Leveraging Data from Non-Destructive Examinations to Help Select Ferrous Water Mains for Renewal

This webcast focused on the published WRF research report, Leveraging Data from Non-Destructive Examinations to Help Select Ferrous Water Mains for Renewal (#4471). This research found ways to economically assess small (low-value) water mains. This project was a Tailored Collaboration effort that tested various technologies at five sponsoring utilities:  LADWP, Denver Water, Seattle Public Utilities, Fairfax Water, and DC Water. The City of Calgary also assisted, providing access to 15 years of condition-assessment and main-break data. By applying knowledge from this research, utilities can: (1) extend the service lives of some mains, (2) prevent unnecessary main breaks from occurring on other mains, (3) tailor renewal methods to match main condition, and (4) decrease the chances of erroneous decisions. The trick is performing the assessments such that the benefits are greater than the costs.  Just as video inspections are now routine for sewers, electromagnetic scanning could become commonplace for water mains.