Project #5321

The Role of Generative AI (GenAI) for the Global Water Sector

In Progress
Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Sydney Samples
American Water Works Association
Intelligent Water Systems
Big Data
Utility Management


This project will establish a foundational understanding of the potential role of GenAI for municipal water and wastewater utilities and develop a set of guidelines and best practices for the use of GenAI and Large Language Models in the municipal water sector. The primary emphasis will be on demonstrating and experimenting with smaller, more immediate capabilities that can directly benefit water utilities today, while contributing to addressing critical water sector challenges. The project will focus on the top challenges identified in AWWA’s State of the Water Industry report: water resource and environmental resilience, infrastructure management, and public understanding of the value of water. This is a co-funded project between The Water Research Foundation, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Environment Federation. Gigi Karmous-Edwards of Karmous-Edwards Consulting is the Co-Principal Investigator on this project.