Pop-Up Hyporheic Zones (PUHZO) A Novel Modular Technology to Treat Phosphorus in Urban Drool and Dry-Weather Creeks
The overarching objective of this proposed research is to prototype and test the pop-up hyporheic zones (PUHZO) in the field at two geographical locations (Golden, CO and Sonoma Country, CA) and to share the results of these findings with water resource managers and utilities that can use this new tool. The following are the specific objectives of this study:
1. Determine the two most effective geomedia-mixes to be applied in the PUHZO via laboratory test sand field testing in a small urban drool channel in Golden, CO.
2. Test a full-scale PUHZO in Santa Rosa Creek, Santa Rosa, CA using these two geomedias. A successful test would then provide a framework for implementing the technology in urban drool or perennial dry-weather flows in other geographic regions.
3. Conduct upstream and downstream water sample analysis and PUHZO geomedia soil extraction analysis to quantify total phosphorus removal efficiency of the field tested PUHZOs.