Project #5081

Guidance for Using Pipe Rigs to Inform Lead and Copper Corrosion Control Treatment Decisions

In Progress
Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Jian Zhang, PE, Ph.D.
Cornwell Engineering Group
Lead & Copper


By conducting workgroup meetings and workshops, this research resulted in guidance for pipe loop construction, operation, sampling, and data interpretation to inform pipe loop implementation for corrosion control studies. A guidance document and a series of tools have been developed for utilities of all sizes, regulators, consultants, and other stakeholders to use in planning, conducting, and interpreting pipe loop study results. This research will advance the understanding of how to conduct “fit-for-purpose” pipe loop studies, resulting in improved public health outcomes through selection and implementation of optimized corrosion control treatment, and by facilitating primacy agency acceptance of study results. Research partners: American Water Works Association and Copper Development Association, Inc. Published in 2023.