Project #4771

Characterizing and Controlling Organics in Direct Potable Reuse Projects

Principal Investigator
Research Manager
Kenan Ozekin, PhD
Reuse: Indirect Potable
Water Supply Planning
Source Water Protection
Reuse: Direct Potable


Organics are added into municipal wastewater collection systems as water moves through the domestic water cycle. The removal of these organics by wastewater treatment plants and advanced water treatment at potable reuse plants is critical to protecting public health for direct potable reuse (DPR) projects. However, no universal approach has been adopted for controlling organics in potable reuse projects. Thus, the primary objective of this project was to develop a framework for controlling organics in DPR projects where reverse osmosis is not utilized. Extensive sampling of organics across the domestic water cycle at six potable reuse facilities supported development of this framework. The results of this research provides a framework to assist utilities in controlling organics at DPR facilities. The framework can also be adapted for controlling organics at indirect potable reuse facilities. Published in 2020.

Originally funded as WERF project Reuse-15-04.