Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) for Prioritisation of Emerging Contaminant Research Needs

Research agencies, water utilities, regulators, and others are faced with diverse research needs, including the need to better understand and manage risks associated with emerging chemical contaminants. Since available funds are always limited, it is necessary to prioritise research efforts and expenditure. The prioritisation of research topics at a particular organisation is dependent upon that organisation’s responsibilities, concerns, attitude to risk, and their willingness to lead. Furthermore, priorities are influenced by external factors such as identified knowledge gaps and the likelihood of future regulatory controls. This webcast will describe a newly developed tool-based technique for Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to the prioritisation of emerging contaminant research needs. Participants will learn about the fundamental concepts that underpin the MCDA process, as well as the practical application of the tool. This webcast is recommended for anyone with a responsibility or interest in the prioritisation of research needs, specifically for research relating to emerging chemical contaminants.
This was a Global Water Research Coalition project and partners include: 
  • Veolia
  • WSAA
  • Water Research Australia
  • PUB Singapore
  • Water Research Commission (Singapore)
  • TZW (German Water Technology Centre)
  • KWR Water Cycle Research Institute